Fuzzy product configuration by replacing product features
Abstract : Product configuration provides an important opportunity for taking advantage of a number of the benefits of mass
customization. Mass customization is aimed at developing a wide external variety of products to satisfy individual customers,
with managed internal diversity to prevent cost proliferation. In this context, we propose an iterative product configuration
method applying fuzzy logic which is designed to improve product configuration by replacing features which are of less
interest to the customer with features the customer prefers. Fuzzy preference relations are used to evaluate the various
configurations through the iterative product configuration process. To measure the level of customer satisfaction for each
configuration, a satisfaction rate is also proposed. The integration of fuzzy preference relations and an adapted pseudo-order
preference model constitute the basis for the proposed configuration method. An illustrative example is provided to show the
applicability and practicality of the method.
Keywords : product configuration ; fuzzy preference ; fuzzy ranking ; fuzzy sets ; mass customization
Year : 2011
Issue : 3
Volume : 4