"In memory of an internationally acclaimed scholar"

We are deeply saddened to announce that Professor Salah E. Elmaghraby passed away.

All members of the community of the International Institute of Industrial Engineering, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I4e2) offer their most sincere condolences to his relatives.

Professor Salah E. Elmaghraby was editor-in-chief of the Journal of Operations and Logistics (JOL) published by I4e2 and a main contributor to our research publications. For more than twenty years, he contributed to the success of conferences as IEPM (Industrial Engineering and Production Management) and IESM (Industrial Engineering and Systems Management). He was impressive in his humility and the human contact he developed with everyone, a world citizen with a true understanding of different societies and cultures. This world traveler inspired many of young researchers. He leaves a legacy to be followed by all of us. We enjoyed all the events we shared with him who was so enthusiastic in working with each and everyone of us. Such a successful career was studded with so many contributions both at the academic, research and personal levels.

Salah E. Elmaghraby was granted a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Cairo University in 1948, a Master of Science degree in Industrial Engineering from Ohio State University in 1955 and a Ph.D. from Cornell University in 1958. To this saddened day, he was a University Professor Emeritus at the Edward P. Fitts Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at North Carolina State University, where he had been a professor of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering since 1967. Professor Elmaghraby wrote several books, among them the seminal production management text "The Design of Production Systems" (Reinhold, 1966) and the pioneering activity networks textbook "Activity Networks" (Wiley, 1977). He edited/co-edited some books, contributed chapters in many books, and authored/co-authored over 118 published papers in national and international journals. Over the years, Professor Elmaghraby supervised over 60 doctoral and master's students in the US and abroad. At the age of 85, he continued his research in the field of project planning and control.

He passed away - 1927 / 2016

His sparkling eyes, his smile, his extreme kindness, his brilliant wit, his humor, were legendary and made him a unique tireless Science communicator.

He was -- and remains -- the source of inspiration for many people around the world.

Thank you so much Professor!